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Application window for 2023 H1-B is about to open

On Behalf of | Feb 28, 2022 | Employment Immigration Visas

The United States Customs and Immigration Services held three lotteries for the fiscal year 2022. The total acceptance rate was 42.7% of the 308,613 applications submitted. The number of applications has increased by 54% in just three years. Now, the process will soon begin for next year. Those hoping to apply should start preparing as soon as possible to best ensure that they have all their electronic paperwork in order.

Despite discussions held for changing the process, the USCIS will stick with the approach of random selection lottery to award 85,000 visas. Registration opens at noon eastern time on March 1, 2022, and concludes at noon eastern time on March 18. The fee will remain $10 per case entered into the system.

Employees or employers who need a new H1B visa must apply during this window.  The USCIS has not announced the selection date, but it will occur no later than March 31. The applicants will then have 90 days to complete and file their H-1B petitions.

Please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions on applying for this year’s H1B lottery.